
Es werden Posts vom März, 2023 angezeigt.

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-04-01 07:47:57.650232

Nr5The Nigerian fintech Flutterwave has rejected reports suggesting that hackers have stolen as much as $6.3 million from user accounts. The fintech firm said a routine check of its transaction… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-04-01 06:48:20.144399

Nr4Gender bias continues to cause huge barriers for women; whether it be gender-based violence, educational equity or equal economic opportunities... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-04-01 05:48:46.256056

Nr3 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-04-01 05:48:45.674064

Nr1Comments... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-04-01 02:48:49.189133

Nr2By the end of the weekend, you'll be taking out the Rebel Fleet and defending the dark side... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-04-01 00:48:09.878559

Nr7Мировые расходы на системы искусственного интеллекта (ИИ), в том числе ПО, оборудование и профильные услуги достигнут $154 млрд по итогам 2023 года, что на 26,9 % больше, чем годом ранее,… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-04-01 00:48:03.411276

Nr0Careful scrutiny of your retirement plans requires you to factor in annuities to balance your investment portfolio. Annuities remain reliable investment vehicles to generate a guaranteed income post-retirement. Meticulously planned... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-31 22:48:02.391676

Nr6 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-31 22:48:01.778710

Nr5 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-31 16:47:45.264114

Nr3Der Internationale Strafgerichtshof wirft Russlands Präsident Kriegsverbrechen in der Ukraine vor. Konkret geht es um mutmaßliche Kindertransporte... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-31 15:47:50.474565

Nr1This is today's edition of The Download, our weekday newsletter that provides a daily dose of what's going on in the world of technology. Inside the cozy but creepy world of VR… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-31 13:48:25.613930

Nr7 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-31 13:48:24.799536

Nr5Bitcoin consolidated for a third straight session, as markets prepared for a big week of U.S. economic data. Later this week, nonfarm payrolls will be posted, with Federal Reserve chair… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-31 13:48:09.665012

Nr4 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-31 13:48:04.460094

Nr2MedPage Today) -- WHEATON, Md. -- There's a bit of a damp chill in the air late on a Saturday morning in mid-March as 17 people -- most of whom… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-31 11:48:29.546099

Nr6Milan AC : A 41 ans, Ibrahimovic de retour sur le terrain, neuf mois après son opération du genou SERIE A Le Milan AC a également retrouvé Mike Maignan comme… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-31 09:47:48.050002

Nr0Pending local officials' approval, the tech conglomerate's Wisconsin project could begin later this year... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-31 04:48:10.157434

Nr5On March 4, the decentralized exchange Pancakeswap announced that the team plans to launch its version three (v3) iteration of the platform during the first week of April 2023. Pancakeswap… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-31 03:47:59.019997

Nr3 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-31 02:47:50.433312

Nr7Энтузиаст по имени Андреас Эриксен (Andreas Eriksen) собрал «устройство в формфакторе ноутбука», способное, по его собственным оценкам, проработать два года без подзарядки. Компьютер PotatoP сочетает компоненты с чрезвычайно низким потреблением… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-31 01:48:14.231867

Nr1Moving from block-first to flexible consumption Primary storage refers to the technologies and methods involved in storing data persistently in a computing system. Traditionally, business critical functions in large enterprises… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-31 00:48:15.402981

Nr6Equipe de France féminine : Diani et Katoto annoncent à leur tour leur retrait en attendant « des changements profonds » FOOTBALL FEMININ Tout comme la capitaine de l'OL et… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-31 00:48:08.058655

Nr2By the end of the episode, you'll be terrified of what's to come... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-30 20:48:43.649891

Nr4In the lead-up to International Women's Day (IWD), I have been thinking about this year's theme, 'Embrace Equity', and have mixed emotions about the progress being made to gender equity,… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-30 19:47:44.552118

Nr5 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-30 18:47:49.692654

Nr0The latest price moves in bitcoin (BTC) and crypto markets in context for March 30, 2023. First Mover is CoinDesk's daily newsletter that contextualizes the latest actions in the crypto… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-30 15:47:38.007438

Nr7 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-30 14:48:23.136561

Nr3Für fünf Unternehmen erhöhen Analysten ihre aktuellen Gewinnschätzungen um mehr als 20 Prozent. Was das für die Aktien und ihre Bewertung bedeutet... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-30 13:47:49.565617

Nr6 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-30 11:48:07.109483

Nr2MedPage Today) -- While it's well-established that atopic dermatitis (AD) can be associated with various allergic comorbidities -- including asthma, rhinitis, and conjunctivitis -- non-allergic comorbidities may also occur. "We… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-30 11:47:45.486215

Nr1Phones brought special gaming-centric Android hardware, but nobody made games for it... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-30 10:47:55.351981

Nr5The Reserve Bank of Australia said on March 3 that it has selected 14 digital currency proposed use cases from a large number of submissions obtained from industry participants. An… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-30 04:47:47.459401

Nr7В прошлом году правительство РФ запустило программы по стимулированию установки зарядных станций для электромобилей и ввело субсидии на покупка таких авто. Теперь же инвесторы в зарядную инфраструктуру жалуются на высокую… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-30 03:48:11.227599

Nr4Report: Digital skills gap costs Australian businesses $3.1b annually... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-30 03:48:00.238608

Nr0The difference between revenue and profit is vital to understand in order to run a healthy business. Read on to learn all about these basic economic concepts... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-30 02:47:58.655967

Nr6Loire-Atlantique : Tensions et « menaces abjectes » autour du futur centre pour migrants de Saint-Brévin MIGRANTS Plusieurs manifestations sont prévues ce samedi dans la station balnéaire - Plusieurs manifestations… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-30 01:47:39.170654

Nr5 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-30 01:47:38.633450

Nr3 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-29 22:47:58.032028

Nr2Denver, Colorado, March 23, 2023 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today met with the leaders of the state Departments of Agriculture for the seven Colorado River Basin states (Arizona, California,… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-29 21:48:21.495818

Nr1Reddit users came to this unfortunate realization, forcing them to either delete or consolidate millions of items... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-29 17:47:46.004105

Nr7Разработчики из Microsoft подвели первые итоги работы обновлённого браузер Edge и поисковой системы Bing, которые чуть больше месяца назад получили поддержку функций на основе искусственного интеллекта. Одним из наиболее заметных… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-29 16:47:50.008188

Nr5Economist and gold enthusiast Peter Schiff has said that the U.S. Fed may have to fight a "complete economic collapse" and be faced with more to worry about than the… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-29 15:48:20.421609

Nr6 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-29 12:48:37.017626

Nr3Viele professionelle Investoren haben den Kurssturz für neue Käufe genutzt. Doch sie dürften dem deutschen Leitindex nicht lange die Treue halten... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-29 12:48:25.351300

Nr0OKX, the world's second-largest crypto exchange, has announced the establishment of a Hong Kong entity to offer virtual asset services in the region.  According to the press release, the company… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-29 10:48:01.713315

Nr4Join us as we reflect on the achievements of women and envision a brighter future for all women around the world... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-29 09:48:33.144778

Nr2A recent U.S. federal court ruling that removes a requirement for employers to provide insurance coverage for the HIV prevention medications known as Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, or PrEP, could result in… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-29 07:48:01.457737

Nr1In a massive boost to ChatGPT's capabilities, OpenAI introduced several plugins for the chatbot language model this week. These would enable ChatGPT to access the latest information instead of being...… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-29 07:48:02.091653

Nr5 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-29 06:47:50.157275

Nr7 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-29 04:48:17.984936

Nr6Bordeaux : Un lycéen de 16 ans activement recherché après sa disparition inquiétante ENQUÊTE Le jeune homme, scolarisé dans un lycée du quartier de Chartrons, a été aperçu pour la… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-28 23:47:36.576753

Nr3 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-28 22:47:52.785112

Nr5Major cryptocurrency exchanges operating in Ukraine have temporarily suspended operations with hryvnia bank cards. The measure stems from restrictions imposed by the country's central bank, Binance and Kuna indicated in… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-28 21:48:17.572310

Nr0Fifty people have lost their jobs as Disney disbands its next-generation storytelling and consumer experiences unit as part a company-wide staff reduction... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-28 20:48:04.145734

Nr2Bright Health Group's shaky finances have attracted negative attention from regulators in numerous states, including Florida and Tennessee... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-28 19:48:11.724901

Nr7Группа физиков из университета Рочестера в Нью-Йорке опубликовала в журнале Nature статью, в которой сообщила о достижении сверхпроводимости при комнатной температуре. Открытие вещества с такими свойствами перевернёт мир. Поэтому работа… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-28 17:48:12.982038

Nr6 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-28 17:48:12.375575

Nr4Here are Kate's 5 tips for impressing the Shark Tank Panel... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-28 17:48:01.946624

Nr1A growing number of dirt-cheap true wireless earbuds are now available. Here are the current best of the bunch that CNET experts have tested... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-28 13:47:38.859064

Nr5 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-28 10:48:23.621919

Nr3Berkshire Hathaway stärker über die Risiken aufklären, die der Vorsitzende Warren Buffett eingegangen ist. Denn er ist maßgeblich für die Investments verantwortlich... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-28 08:47:52.077569

Nr7 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-28 07:47:44.975359

Nr2Lifting heavy objects can take a toll on your back. To prevent problems, follow this step-by-step guide to proper lifting techniques... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-28 06:47:58.535276

Nr6Réforme des retraites : L'intersyndicale veut « faire du 7 mars la journée la plus forte » contre le projet de loi MOBILISATION Les syndicats veulent « faire plus fort… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-28 06:47:49.074787

Nr0The U.K.-based digital currency exchange is looking to raise $2.5 million at a $12.3 million valuation, which will allow it to continue providing services to its customers, according to reports.… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-28 04:48:02.900478

Nr5According to an analysis of Google searches by Leverage Trading, Nigeria is the "second-highest country in the world for searches related to crypto leverage." Along with South Africa and Ghana,… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-28 03:48:10.327016

Nr1Comments... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-28 00:48:31.959509

Nr4 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-27 21:48:27.128971

Nr7Reddit собирается разделить текстовые и видеопубликации на две ленты, объявила администрация платформы. Видеоматериалы будут выводиться в ленте Watch, а текстовые — в ленте Read. Источник изображения: succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-27 21:48:22.780705

Nr3 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-27 19:47:55.509503

Nr6 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-27 19:47:54.964078

Nr5 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-27 18:48:55.498102

Nr2The Hydrow rower made getting started feel easy... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-27 15:48:07.257493

Nr0According to an investigation, a group of Binance employees and "angels" helped users evade the exchange's KYC and AML controls... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-27 13:48:16.517329

Nr1John Wick: Chapter 4 is being hailed as an action masterpiece, but fans are asking if John Wick dies at the end of the movie. Digital Trends has the answer... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-27 10:47:57.578408

Nr7 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-27 10:47:57.010202

Nr5The value of digital assets under management (AUM) for digital asset investment products in February rose to $28.3 billion, the highest number recorded since May 2022, according to Cryptocompare stats.… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-27 08:48:26.224492

Nr6Ligue des champions : Comment Randal Kolo Muani est devenu un killeur depuis la finale de la Coupe du monde FOOTBALL Après avoir failli donner le titre aux Bleus en… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-27 08:48:10.507451

Nr3Mitarbeitern von Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof wie Experten sind die Kriterien für die Entscheidung des Warenhauskonzerns nicht klar. Offenbar halfen hohe Vermieterzuschüsse... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-27 07:47:41.754485

Nr4 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-27 05:47:55.550995

Nr2Contaminated shellfish are continuing to cause illnesses in several European countries and Hong Kong. At least 170 people have fallen ill in Helsinki, Finland, after eating oysters in various restaurants… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-27 01:48:24.105844

Nr5The Spanish tax agency has included crypto as part of its new guidelines for this year's upcoming tax collection season. Apart from boosting the channels for voluntary tax applications, the… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-27 00:48:29.932672

Nr0International Game Technology is demanding millions of pounds to effect handover, say people close to process... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-26 22:49:16.176951

Nr7Как и предполагалось, счастье долгим не бывает: вернувшиеся на днях в российский Steam игры студий Crystal Dynamics и Eidos Montreal снова стали недоступны для покупки пользователям с российским аккаунтом в… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-26 22:49:08.920742

Nr1The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and Intel announced Moore's death following his peaceful passing at his home in Hawaii. He is survived by his wife, Betty, his sons Kenneth… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-26 21:48:01.321363

Nr6Toulouse : Deux enfants sauvent un nourrisson abandonné dans un fossé ABANDON Deux frères de 12 et 14 ans ont sauvé un nouveau-né, vendredi soir près de Toulouse Il était… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-26 19:47:39.138564

Nr3 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-26 16:48:00.286846

Nr5 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-26 16:47:59.701146

Nr2Bill Hudson, chief information officer of Integris Health, previews his HIMSS23 discussion on how information security is imperative for achieving organization-wide goals... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-26 14:47:52.085920

Nr4Sendle's Director of People and Culture, Claudia Barriga-Larrivière talks about why we need to have more neurodiversity in business leadership... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-26 11:47:43.193337

Nr7В разработке у Google находятся практически все виды ИИ-технологий, но Универсальная речевая модель (Universal Speech Model или USM) занимает в портфолио компании особое место. Этот проект стал частью попытки компании… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-26 10:47:46.206194

Nr6 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-26 09:48:02.541818

Nr0Mobile payments are becoming an increasingly popular way to handle and transfer money in today's digital world. Mobile payments offer the ability to empower people and improve financial education in… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-26 08:48:11.931962

Nr1Best Buy's spring sales currently include discounts for Bluetooth speakers. If you're planning to buy one, here are some of the best offers that are available... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-26 07:48:18.626364

Nr5PRESS RELEASE. How to participate in the Arbitrum ecosystem as Layer 2 continues gaining traction? The Ethereum's Layer 2 (L2) players have been performing exceptionally well to date, with impressive… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-26 06:47:51.090324

Nr3Bundesregierung wehrt Vergleiche mit Finanzkrise ab +++ Kapitalgeber fordern eine bessere Bankenaufsicht +++ Europäische und US-Bankwerte mit hohen Verlusten +++ Der News-Blog... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-26 03:47:51.966270

Nr2WASHINGTON, March 22, 2023 – Today, U.S. Department of Agriculture announced several actions to expand support for and access to the school meal programs, including awarding $50 million in grants… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-26 00:47:59.959741

Nr7 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-25 23:47:42.850715

Nr6Un appel à témoins lancé dans l'enquête sur des décès après des jeûnes prolongés Secte Trois personnes sont mortes suite à des cures organisées par le naturopathe Eric Gandon La… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-25 22:48:04.418008

Nr5 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-25 21:47:49.989679

Nr4 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-25 18:47:52.270279

Nr1Here's what's coming to Apple Arcade this month... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-25 18:47:40.542767

Nr0US regulator contacted UK authorities after large collateral calls... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-25 17:47:35.976220

Nr3 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-25 13:49:07.648788

Nr7Компания Google приступила к развёртыванию обновлённого пользовательского интерфейса для сервисов Документы, Диск, Таблицы и Презентации. Новый дизайн выполнен в стиле Material Design 3, что сделает облик упомянутых сервисов более современным… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-25 13:48:55.998412

Nr5Crypto donations collected by the government in Kyiv since the start of the Russian invasion have amounted to almost $70 million, according to Chainalysis. Ether has been the most donated… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-25 13:48:37.903454

Nr2The federal government has lifted restrictions on one of the most effective opioid addiction treatment medications. The change sets up a "truth serum moment": Will mainstream doctors and nurses now… succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-25 12:48:17.225338

Nr6 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-25 04:48:15.669222

Nr4The Fair Work Commission has implemented changes to its functions in line with the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Act 2022... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-25 04:48:16.345626

Nr5 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-25 04:47:58.117123

Nr347 Sekunden lang schafft es der Durchschnitts-Büroarbeiter, sich auf eine Sache zu konzentrieren. Vier Tipps, mit denen Sie fokussiert arbeiten – trotz Mini-Aufmerksamkeitsspanne... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-25 04:47:50.913782

Nr1Top-seeded Alabama takes on San Diego State in March Madness basketball action today, and we've got the best places to watch the game online... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-03-25 03:47:53.484556

Nr0Artificial intelligence threatens the "foundations of our society" if it's unleashed in an irresponsible way, the author warns... succesfully run! 1 Anläufe!