
Es werden Posts vom Januar, 2024 angezeigt.

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-02-01 08:51:24.051231

Nr1Animoca Brands' Darewise Entertainment, creator of Life Beyond, announced a strategic partnership with DFZ Labs, creator of Deadfellaz Web3 brand... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-02-01 08:51:13.659707

Nr0 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-02-01 06:50:12.876612

Nr4This week on Tech Tuesday, we're sharing our top picks for task prioritisation and project tracking software that's perfect for small businesses... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-02-01 02:48:29.386364

Nr3Hamas trifft Vorbereitungen zur Wiederaufnahme der Kämpfe +++ 21 Lastwagen mit Hilfsgütern erreichen Nord-Gaza +++ Israel hat erneut 30 palästinensische Häftlinge freigelassen +++ Der Newsblog... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-02-01 02:48:28.723544

Nr2Anyone who was thinking of getting this from Costco: Do it... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-02-01 01:48:10.284190

Nr7Honor представила складной смартфон Honor Magic V2 RSR Porsche Design, созданный совместными усилиями с Porsche Design, дизайнерским подразделением известного автопроизводителя, о партнёрстве с которым было объявлено в прошлом месяце. Источник… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-02-01 01:48:00.365946

Nr6Italie : « Il y avait beaucoup de sang... » 37 personnes font une chute de huit mètres lors d'un mariage fait divers Un enfant et une femme enceinte se… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-31 18:47:55.176337

Nr1Ripple (XRP) has maintained a steady downward movement since January 1, 2024. The number 6 most valuable crypto token is under strong bearish sentiment. This may be related to the...… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-31 17:47:53.280057

Nr0Offsite specialist MTX is to deliver a £49m health facility in Surrey. The Cheshire-based firm has been awarded the contract for the diagnostic and imaging centre at Frimley Park Hospital.… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-31 13:49:36.376563

Nr7Игровой бренд Alienware компании Dell расширил ассортимент своих мониторов на панелях OLED с квантовыми точками (QD-OLED), представив 27-дюймовую модель AW2725DF и 32-дюймовую AW3225QF. Обе новинки отличаются высокой частотой обновления. Alienware… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-31 13:49:26.307185

Nr6Manifestation des agriculteurs à Toulouse : Plus de 90.000 € de dégâts selon la mairie Agriculteurs en colère La municipalité de Toulouse estime le montant des dégâts causés à 90.700… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-31 13:49:17.145205

Nr4John emphasises that cash is a crucial element in our financial system, indispensable in crises, vital for local economies, and a cornerstone of community banking... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-31 13:49:08.236420

Nr3Die Haushaltssperre des Bundes sorgt für Verunsicherung. Was wird aus den Förderungen für eine energetische Sanierung? Eine Gewissheit gibt es jedoch... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-31 13:49:07.577956

Nr2The jaw-dropping new documentary explores how police mistook a real kidnapping for a 'Gone Girl'-style hoax... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-31 04:47:45.445000

Nr1Loughborough University plans to bring in some special guest tutors, such as Stephen Hawking... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-31 02:48:02.802696

Nr7Популярность флагманской игровой видеокарты GeForce RTX 4090 в качестве «полуфабриката» для изготовления кустарного ускорителя вычислений в Китае в прошлом году была так велика, что она попала под санкции США. Источники… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-31 02:47:52.790705

Nr6« Je trouvais ça bizarre »… Enfant, Clémentine Célarié a subi des attouchements de la part d'une religieuse AGRESSION SEXUELLE La comédienne a évoqué ses années de pensionnat dans l'émission… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-31 02:47:43.428184

Nr0Topline A much-anticipated crackdown on the southern border that both many Republicans and President Joe Biden support—and which Senate backers say could be voted on this week—might fail just because… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-31 00:47:57.118101

Nr3Weil der Arbeitsmarkt leer gefegt ist, soll nun auch die Einbürgerung erleichtert werden. Eine Garantie für mehr Fachkräfte sei dies nicht, warnen Vertreter aus der Wirtschaft... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-31 00:47:56.292470

Nr2What to know about the puzzling trend you don't want to be part of... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-30 20:48:33.222763

Nr4COSBOA Calls for Greater Transparency in Loan Rejections to Empower Small Businesses... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-30 14:54:56.500284

Nr7В 2023 году мы не увидели ни процессоров на архитектуре AMD Zen 5, ни новой настольной платформы Intel с процессорами Arrow Lake. Но это не значит, что год выдался неинтересным,… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-30 14:54:43.685547

Nr6CAN 2024 : Le Maroc ralenti par le Congo, bagarre générale à la fin du match FOOTBALL Après un match tendu sur le terrain (1-1), une échauffourée a éclaté entre… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-30 13:49:22.754426

Nr1Blue Spark has launched VitalTraq, a cloud-based, vital signs monitoring system for health care providers. Five vital signs are transmitted from patient smartphones throughout the day to the HIPPA-complaint Blue… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-30 11:47:54.530773

Nr3Auf der UN-Weltklimakonferenz drängt Europa auf entschiedene Maßnahmen. Dabei müssen die Regierenden aber die europäischen Bürger mitnehmen, mahnt Susi Dennisson... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-30 11:47:53.892388

Nr2Here's one easy way to consolidate the cards you carry... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-30 11:47:42.174097

Nr0Anonymised statistics to be used in parts of the business to increase compliance of hybrid working guidelines... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-30 03:48:15.579264

Nr7Портал IGN в рамках своей рубрики IGN First представил эксклюзивное видео по Dragon's Dogma II с геймплеем за персонажа «одного из самых уникальных классов в ролевых экшенах с открытым миром».… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-30 03:48:05.640984

Nr6Seine-Saint-Denis : Saint-Denis prolonge l'arrêté contre les attroupements après la mort violente de deux jeunes SECURITE La mesure en place depuis jeudi « a fait ses preuves » juge le… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-30 03:47:56.260472

Nr4Introducing PhantomBuster: Automate lead generation and outreach effortlessly. Generate high-quality leads in minutes, not hours. Trusted by 100,000+ businesses, the code-free tool supercharges your outreach campaigns, sources contact data, and… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-29 23:48:43.568705

Nr1The Cybertruck's vaunted steer-by-wire and rear wheel turning systems get praised for the maneuverability they add to the big and heavy pickup in narrow garages or tight parking spots. Tesla… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-29 22:47:57.473585

Nr3Israel und Hamas werfen sich Bruch der Feuerpause vor +++ Bericht: Mindestens fünf Gruppen halfen Hamas bei Terrorüberfall +++ Der Newsblog... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-29 22:47:56.754235

Nr2More than 150 hospitals and health systems currently use the DAX Copilot in their Epic electronic health record workflows to draft clinical notes and record patient visits, the company says... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-29 19:52:06.074546

Nr0AI doesn't work very well with more obscure languages. Microsoft's researchers are trying to change that... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-29 16:48:03.193604

Nr7Похоже, что в этом году Microsoft планирует также активно интегрировать функции на основе искусственного интеллекта в свои продукты, как это было в году минувшем. На этой неделе стало известно о… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-29 16:47:53.592554

Nr6Disparition de Lina : L'adolescente avait porté plainte pour viol contre deux jeunes hommes investigations La plainte de la jeune femme avait été classée sans suite sans même une confrontation… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-29 09:48:52.795972

Nr4Here's a recap of recent funding developments from Australia, India, the US and beyond... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-29 09:48:42.966558

Nr3Munger war Jahrzehnte zusammen mit Warren Buffett bei Berkshire Hathaway aktiv und dessen treuer Weggefährte. Nun ist er wenige Wochen vor seinem 100. Geburtstag verstorben... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-29 09:48:42.319921

Nr2The Supreme Court this week heard oral arguments in a case that could radically alter the way federal agencies — including the Department of Health and Human Services — administer… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-29 09:48:34.209698

Nr1The pick of this weekend's cup fixtures sees Ange Postecoglou and Pep Guardiola go head-to-head... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-29 05:48:21.583607

Nr7Национальное управление по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства (NASA) США на год перенесло реализацию лунных миссий Artemis 2 и Artemis 3. Таким образом возвращение американских астронавтов на Луну, где они… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-29 05:48:12.574927

Nr6Vos bons plans malins ou désespérés pour économiser l'électricité Votre vie votre avis L'électricité, ça douille. Puisque l'on ne peut pas faire sans, autant faire de son mieux pour en… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-29 03:52:55.089913

Nr0eToro will restrict its support for non-leveraged CFD crypto trading in France and Australia. The broker asked its clients to close the non-leveraged long positions with such instruments before the… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-28 20:47:54.087040

Nr3Kurz vor Weihnachten scheinen Unternehmen nur noch eines im Blick zu haben: den perfekten Plan. Das kostet unnötig viel Zeit und Nerven, meint Frank Dopheide... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-28 20:47:53.450415

Nr2If your patients with type 1 diabetes have vowed to exercise more this year, you can help them meet their goal by sharing a few key tips to stay safe.… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-28 19:47:55.075047

Nr1Hugging Face users training AI models will also be able to tap hardware capabilities offered with Google Cloud, including TPUs, A3 VMs, powered by Nvidia H100 Tensor Core GPUs and… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-28 18:47:51.040511

Nr7При эксплуатации машин на электротяге одним из важнейших параметров является запас хода до следующей зарядки, поэтому компания Google на выставке CES 2024 объявила о внедрении соответствующих алгоритмов в новую версию… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-28 18:47:40.993778

Nr6Primaire républicaine : Le sénateur afro-américain Tim Scott apporte son soutien à Donald Trump calculs En se rangeant derrière l'ancien président, Tim Scott se place comme colistier potentiel de Donald… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-28 16:47:41.736526

Nr4Digital 100 Report unveils changing Australian consumer trends in Fashion, Consumer Electronics, Home & Garden, Personal Finance, and Tourism... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-28 12:48:49.089221

Nr0The Canadian Dollar (CAD) found some space on Friday, bolstered by climbing Crude Oil markets and clawing back some of the week's losses... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-28 06:50:47.281465

Nr7После 2022-го кажется, что и писать уже особо нечего. Но надо выдохнуть и чуть отвлечься от санкций, исхода брендов (не такого массового и в итоге даже не сильно заметного —… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-28 06:50:34.646153

Nr6« Knorr, j'adorais », « Magnum ça voulait dire grand »… Intermarché assigné après une campagne jugée dénigrante PUBLICITé Le supermarché a voulu dénoncer la pratique de « shrinkflation »… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-28 06:50:24.691540

Nr3Der oberste Bankenkontrolleur der Euro-Zone bringt in seinem Abschiedsinterview die Notenbank als Wächterin über Schattenbanken ins Spiel und spricht sich für frühe Eingriffe aus... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-28 06:50:24.048904

Nr2TOPLINE: Patients undergoing transcatheter mitral valve replacement (TMVR) who receive direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) have fewer bleeding and thrombotic events and shorter hospital stays than those taking vitamin K antagonists… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-28 05:47:54.976047

Nr1Comments... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-27 23:47:46.670344

Nr4Digital 100 Report unveils changing Australian consumer trends in Fashion, Consumer Electronics, Home & Garden, Personal Finance, and Tourism... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-27 21:48:21.426563

Nr0The lingering impact of the covid pandemic and changing travel patterns have been brutal for airlines... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-27 19:47:49.690150

Nr7Компания ASUS стала наследником бизнеса компании Intel по производству мини-компьютеров NUC, и в рамках текущей выставки CES 2024 представила игровой мини-ПК ROG NUC. Неттоп оснащается новейшими процессорами Intel Core Ultra,… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-27 19:47:39.805602

Nr6Rennes : Le PDG d'HelloWork meurt percuté par un jeune conducteur sans permis et alcoolisé DRAME DE LA ROUTE Le suspect, qui a pris la fuite à pied après l'accident… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-27 17:47:38.976556

Nr3Während Experten und Industrie das E-Auto-Ziel der Bundesregierung für unerreichbar halten, hält Berlin daran fest. Die Hersteller verlangen in der Haushaltskrise „klare Ansagen"... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-27 17:47:38.256455

Nr2By adding the digital marketing and customer relationship management platform, which leverages machine learning and AI for patient engagement, the company aims to improve patient experiences in value-based care... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-27 15:47:47.220966

Nr1It looks like Ring is reversing course on its police-friendly stance regarding data sharing, according to reporting from Bloomberg. Amazon told the publication that Ring's home doorbell unit would stop… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-27 08:47:53.428150

Nr7На проходящей в эти дни в Лас-Вегасе ежегодной выставке CES 2024 компания Lenovo представила целый ряд новых продуктов, включая обновлённые ноутбуки ThinkBook и Legion. Как и другие новинки компании, эти… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-27 08:47:50.135603

Nr6X Podcasts Login Podcasts Episodes «La sexualité des vieilles, l'ultime tabou», par Marie Charrel, essayiste Tout Sexplique | Anne-Laetitia Béraud Ad Advertisement - 0 s 00:00 00:00 Next | About… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-27 06:48:07.458136

Nr4Boosting your bottom lines starts with collaboration between sales and customer teams, writes Ben... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-27 06:47:56.949201

Nr0The post Launching Of Upcoming First Crypto Whose Price Is Projected To Reach $1,000,000 USD Within 3 Years. appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News In the fast-evolving world of cryptocurrencies,… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-27 04:48:01.650719

Nr3Die EU fürchtet mit Trumps möglicher Rückkehr ins Weiße Haus den Verlust der US-Sicherheitsgarantien. Deshalb wird nun ein brisanter Vorschlag diskutiert. Berlin zeigt sich zurückhaltend... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-27 04:48:00.999451

Nr2From a patient safety perspective, this was a very important milestone for us to achieve to ensure that we are providing the highest level of care to one of our… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-27 01:48:18.474240

Nr1The Sony 75-inch X80K TV looks gorgeous and is packed with great features. It's on sale now at Best Buy so here's why it's irresistible at this price... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-26 20:48:57.608213

Nr7Компания Samsung Electronics на этой неделе подвела предварительные итоги минувшего квартала, подсчитав укрупнённые итоги отчётного периода. В части динамики операционной прибыли она рассчитывает на снижение данного показателя на 35 %… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-26 20:48:49.776884

Nr6Salut tout le monde ! Welcome pour ce nouveau live de biathlon consacré à nos Françaises, qui régalent en ce début de saison. Il n'y a quand même pas tant… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-26 14:50:40.205818

Nr3Netanjahu besucht erstmals seit Kriegsbeginn Truppen im Gazastreifen +++ Weitere 17 Geiseln erreichen Israel +++ Der Newsblog... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-26 14:50:36.140404

Nr2Score up to 50% off on clubs, shoes, bags, and more... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-26 14:50:25.246984

Nr0ALT token on Binance surged 5,380% from $0.006 to $0.3288 in minutes. AltLayer's six-day farming schedule and airdrop preceded the explosive surge. Binance swiftly integrated ALT into Simple Earn and… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-26 13:47:52.435332

Nr4Here's a recap of recent funding developments from Australia, India, the US and beyond... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-26 11:47:54.027428

Nr1Google Chrome introduces new AI features to help you organize tabs, create themes and write text on the web, and faces some challenges along the way... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-26 08:51:05.478529

Nr7Аналитики TrendForce определили, что в первом квартале текущего года цены на микросхемы оперативной памяти в целом вырастут на 13–18 %, а быстрее всего они будут увеличиваться в мобильном сегменте. В… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-26 08:50:55.529018

Nr6Mur LED et 45 000 places, bienvenue dans l'incroyable futur stade du Al-Nassr de Cristiano Ronaldo 18 janvier 2024 à 8:45 par Thomas0 L'Arabie saoudite a dévoilé les plans d'un… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-26 01:48:42.837095

Nr3Baufirmen sind bei Neueinstellungen so zurückhaltend wie zuletzt im August 2010. In der Industrie insgesamt gibt es aber einen kleinen Lichtblick... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-26 01:48:42.001092

Nr2Save big on brands like Arc'teryx, Salomon, and Hoka too... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-25 23:47:53.389614

Nr0 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-25 21:48:15.414271

Nr7Компания NVIDIA добавит в свой облачный игровой сервис GeForce NOW поддержку технологии синхронизации изображения G-Sync. Это позволит мониторам с поддержкой переменной частоты обновления (VRR) синхронизироваться с частотой кадров игрового потока,… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-25 21:48:05.480396

Nr6Bretagne : Contrôlé positif à l'alcool, le député Mickaël Cosson perd son permis CONTRÔLE BINIOU L'élu des Côtes-d'Armor a été contrôlé samedi avec un taux de 0,82 gramme d'alcool par… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-25 21:47:55.559476

Nr1MSI's January 17 Weibo post was supposed to be a joke about a girl using her boyfriend's PC to delete some of his game shortcuts because she felt neglected by… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-25 20:48:26.981881

Nr4Allowing customers to pay only for what they've accessed or consumed can open up a world of possibilities for your business, provided you get it right... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-25 12:47:46.041093

Nr3Das Start-up Bioweg gewinnt aus natürlichen Stoffen einen Ersatz für Mikroplastik – mit der Hilfe von Mikroben. Für große Konsumgüterhersteller kommt diese Innovation gerade zur rechten Zeit... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-25 12:47:45.356550

Nr2People who cycle to work are less likely to be prescribed drugs to treat anxiety or depression than those who commute using different modes of transport, new research shows... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-25 10:47:59.574083

Nr7Единственный процессор Core 14-го поколения, который не похож на разогнанного предшественника, — это Core i7-14700K. Чтобы он выглядел лучше, чем Ryzen 9 7900X и Ryzen 7 7800X3D, Intel добавила ему… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-25 10:47:47.678814

Nr6Cristiano Ronaldo pose avec sa dernière folie à 400 000€ 18 janvier 2024 à 15:20 par Palissarde0 Cristiano Ronaldo a encore frappé ! Le quintuple Ballon d'Or a posté une… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-25 08:48:04.088510

Nr0Firm hopeful of workload recovery in 12 months ahead... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-25 07:47:43.173578

Nr1For a number of reasons, creative agencies are expanding into full-service by adding media, especially as disciplines like programmatic, retail media and cross-media measurement become bigger tasks... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-25 03:47:51.428267

Nr4Discover Podia and bring your entire business under one roof. With a free and easy-to-use platform, you can create a beautiful website, implement effective email marketing, sell digital products, and… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-24 23:48:21.585597

Nr7Текстовый редактор WordPad был частью Windows почти 30 лет, впервые появившись в Windows 95. Теперь же Microsoft объявила об удалении этого инструмента, который хоть и не имел возможностей Word, но… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-24 23:48:12.072651

Nr6Le thermomètre a bondi de 50 degrés en trois jours dans ce petit village de Suède TEMPÉRATURE Cette impressionnante variation thermique serait directement liée au dérèglement climatique Dans cette région… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-24 23:48:02.791053

Nr3Die Haushaltskrise stellt die Schuldenregel auf den Prüfstand. In der FDP gibt es Kritik an der Aussetzung, dabei gehen die Pläne von SPD und Grünen längst weiter. Viel hängt an… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-24 23:48:02.141676

Nr2MedPage Today) -- Starting in the 2025 residency application season, the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) will have a simpler and potentially cheaper pricing structure. The Association of American Medical… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-24 17:47:46.785725

Nr0Disclaimer: The text below is an advertorial article that is not part of editorial content Immediate XGen claims to provide users with a way to attain financial gains without… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-24 16:53:56.959150

Nr1The state of Iowa has filed a lawsuit against TikTok, alleging that the ByteDance-owned company has misled parents about their children's access to inappropriate content. In the lawsuit, Iowa's Attorney...… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-24 12:47:51.461878

Nr7В прошлом году связанные с Северной Кореей хакеры были вовлечены в треть всех крипто-эксплойтов и краж, а также украли криптовалюту на $600 млн, сообщается в исследовании компании TRM Labs, специализирующейся… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-24 12:47:42.177741

Nr6Affaire de favoritisme : L'ex-ministre du Travail Olivier Dussopt va connaître le sort que lui réserve la justice PROCES Alors que l'avocat d'Olivier Dussopt a plaidé la relaxe afin de… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-24 10:47:50.988148

Nr4Welcome to AI Weekly, your source for concise summaries of the latest AI-related updates... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-24 10:47:41.526078

Nr3Bei der Grünen Jugend heizt sich die Stimmung gegen die Ampel-Pläne für Asylrechtsverschärfungen auf. Robert Habeck warnt vor einem Votum, die Ampel-Regierung zu verlassen... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-24 10:47:40.721155

Nr2The NFL tight end has a personal reason for sporting the number... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-24 02:48:01.462407

Nr1Amazon upgraded its Echo Show 8 display late last year to give it a sleeker design and faster Alexa responses, and you can get it right now at the lowest… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-24 02:47:51.825712

Nr0 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-24 01:48:14.084619

Nr7Управляющие крупными солнечными электростанциями по всему миру бьют тревогу. Появилось множество сообщений о случаях повреждения фотопанелей без видимых причин. Анализ ситуации по горячим следам показал, что в этом могут быть… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-24 01:48:03.834812

Nr6Thaïlande : Au moins 23 morts dans l'explosion d'une usine pyrotechnique ACCIDENT Un événement similaire s'était produit en juillet dernier dans la ville de Sungai Kolok, où une explosion dans… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!