
Es werden Posts vom November, 2023 angezeigt.

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-01 07:47:49.252279

Nr1AWS re:Invent 2023: New Amazon Titan Image Generator could be a major help for advertising and marketing agencies among others... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-01 03:47:55.989487

Nr7Google выпустила 'экстренное обновление для браузера Google Chrome за номером 117.0.5938.132 для операционных Windows, macOS и Linux, призванное устранить критическую уязвимость нулевого дня с идентификатором CVE-2023-5217, которая может привести к… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-01 02:48:03.990653

Nr6Hérault : Un octogénaire condamné pour des agressions sexuelles sur sa petite-nièce mineure PROCÈS L'homme a été condamné à deux ans de prison, et incarcéré. Il a interjeté appel Le… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-01 00:47:44.349862

Nr4This Tech Tuesday, we introduce six tailored tools to enhance SME supply chains... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-30 22:06:37.979247

Nr3Die Ex-Linken-Fraktionschefin Sahra Wagenknecht wagt den politischen Neuanfang mit einer eigenen Partei. Doch wie viel Erfolg versprechen ihre Pläne? Die wichtigsten Fragen und Antworten... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-30 22:06:37.064582

Nr2Former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley portrays herself as a voice of reason in the Republican Party. "Let's find consensus," she said about abortion during the first GOP primary debate.… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-30 20:48:05.160022

Nr0Coinspeaker Jack Dorsey Leads $6.2M Investment in Decentralized Bitcoin Mining Pool OCEAN Aside from his involvement with OCEAN, Dorsey has supported many other blockchain projects with strong potential to benefit… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-30 17:48:12.579018

Nr1ViCentra has announced the availability of its hybrid, closed-loop insulin delivery system for people with Type 1 diabetes. The system consists of their Kaleido insulin patch pump coupled with a… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-30 15:56:48.534814

Nr7Автоматическая станция «Кассини» собрала много доказательств относительной молодости колец Сатурна — редкого и величественного явления в космосе. Судя по наблюдениям, кольца образовались лишь несколько сотен миллионов лет назад, когда по… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-30 14:49:31.529159

Nr6Michel Sardou surfe avec humour sur la polémique des « Lacs du Connemara » pendant sa tournée DROLE Derrière son air souvent grincheux, le chanteur a en réalité beaucoup d'humour… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-30 08:48:05.837098

Nr3Marinechef Jan Christian Kaack über mögliche Evakuierungen deutscher Staatsbürger im Nahen Osten, die Gefahr weiterer Sabotageakte in der Ostsee und die Einsatzbereitschaft seiner Flotte... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-30 08:48:05.000613

Nr2A Listeria outbreak traced to peaches has turned deadly. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported this afternoon that of the 11 confirmed patients, one has died. The patients… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-30 07:47:38.650451

Nr4How the changes to unpaid parental leave requirements interact with the government's paid parental leave scheme and any additional discretionary paid parental leave... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-30 05:47:56.012237

Nr0Measurable Data Token ($MDT) has caught the eye of the cryptocurrency market with a remarkable surge of over 117% in the past week, hitting a fresh yearly high at $0.1103.… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-30 04:47:38.603058

Nr7На мероприятии Meta Connect накануне были представлены новые инструменты генеративного искусственного интеллекта, которые помогут пользователям редактировать изображения и создавать стикеры по текстовым подсказкам. Редактирование изображений с помощью ИИ появится в… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-30 03:47:38.739732

Nr1AWS re:Invent 2023: Amazon Q looks to help make contact centers less of a drudge for all... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-30 02:49:05.800573

Nr6Retraites complémentaires : Syndicats et patronat s'accordent sur une revalorisation de 4,9 % des pensions du privé DIALOGUE SOCIAL Les organisations syndicales et patronales gestionnaires du régime Agirc-Arrco ont maintenant… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-29 19:48:06.808043

Nr3Cosgrave zieht nach der Kontroverse um seine Israel-Kritik Konsequenzen. Zuvor hatten Israel und führende Tech-Unternehmen die Teilnahme am Web Summit abgesagt... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-29 19:48:06.125718

Nr2These are the gifts that keep on giving... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-29 17:48:18.621161

Nr7Сегодня компания AMD выпустила технологию интеллектуального масштабирования FidelityFX Super Resolution 3 или просто FSR 3. Первыми играми с ней стали Forspoken и Immortals of Aveum. Главными нововведениями FSR 3 стали… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-29 15:47:38.345615

Nr6On commence par les chaussures de ski à talon… Pratique pour associer sport d'hiver et soirée ! En images : Les looks insolites de la fashion week de Paris WHAT… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-29 14:47:55.078344

Nr4Labor finds itself under increasing pressure to advance crucial components of its own proposed workplace law overhaul... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-29 14:47:52.251451

Nr0Quick Take Bitcoin's 4-Year Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) provides a comprehensive view of the digital asset's historical performance, considering both the halving cycles and the bull/bear market trends. Recently,… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-29 12:53:59.281024

Nr1BBC Studios has put a significant effort into building a pipeline for people who encounter "Bluey" through the video game to find their way over to the show, effectively making… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-29 06:47:43.737532

Nr3Die Deutsche Bank und die ING ziehen Konsequenzen aus dem Datendiebstahl beim Kontowechsel-Dienstleister Majorel. Wirtschaftsprüfer untersuchen die Vorgänge... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-29 06:47:52.867306

Nr7Французская ГК iliad Group заявила о приобретении системы NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD для предоставления участникам европейского рынка IT «самого мощного» в регионе облачного ИИ-суперкомпьютера, включающего 1016 ускорителей H100 (127 систем DGX… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-29 06:47:43.059197

Nr2The main session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission could adopt texts relating to E. coli, the use of water in food processing and mycotoxins when it meets later this month.… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-29 04:47:38.852482

Nr6Newcastle-PSG : Donnarumma « ne sera jamais Ter Stegen », mais peut-on sauver le jeu au pied du gardien italien ? FOOTBALL Gianluigi Donnarumma n'a toujours pas réussi à gommer… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-28 23:47:53.531140

Nr0 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-28 22:47:48.694356

Nr1Display "bumps" are components pushing into the OLED panel... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-28 21:48:07.219582

Nr4Here are the 2023 finalists of the Lord Mayor's Business Awards... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-28 19:47:44.389351

Nr7Google выпустила 'экстренное обновление для браузера Google Chrome за номером 117.0.5938.132 для операционных Windows, macOS и Linux, призванное устранить критическую уязвимость нулевого дня с идентификатором CVE-2023-5217, которая может привести к… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-28 17:48:06.137860

Nr6Italie : Un bus tombe d'un pont à Venise, au moins 20 morts selon le maire accident Selon les pompiers de Venise, le bus « a pris feu » après… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-28 16:50:20.307517

Nr3Acht deutsche Manager reisen in die Ukraine, um schon jetzt den Wiederaufbau zu unterstützen. Vor Ort werden sie mit der Realität des Krieges konfrontiert – und mit unangenehmen Fragen... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-28 16:50:16.292187

Nr2MedPage Today) -- Administration of supplemental docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) to infants born at less than 29 weeks' gestation did not improve behavioral functioning at 5 years of age, a follow-up… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-28 08:48:49.857780

Nr7Следующую часть серии криминальных боевиков с открытым миром Grand Theft Auto студия Rockstar Games подтвердила ещё в прошлом феврале, но до сих пор ничего о проекте не рассказала. Фанаты так… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-28 08:48:30.374173

Nr0Global financial firm Circle has announced a strategic partnership with the Japanese financial services SBI Holdings, Inc., to promote the adoption of Circle's USDC stablecoin and web3 services in Japan.… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-28 08:48:40.121221

Nr1Solo Stove's gas-powered Pi Prime pizza oven is on sale for $300 for Cyber Monday, which is a discount of $50. The Pi Prime is the company's second pizza oven… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-28 06:48:09.406142

Nr6« Uno » lance sa version « sans pitié », racontez-nous vos meilleures parties (et vos pires embrouilles) VOTRE VIE VOTRE AVIS Plus de 50 nouvelles cartes, dont des +10,… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-28 04:48:04.069738

Nr4This week, we delve into the inspiring journey of Mel and Tara, an extraordinary Indigenous mother-daughter team, an exceptional Indigenous mother-daughter duo, as they brought Yaala Sparkling to life... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-28 03:48:12.622330

Nr3Der Gewinner des Deutschen Wirtschaftsbuchpreises, Felix Lee, und sein Vater Wenpo sprechen über den Aufstieg Volkswagens in China – und was ihre Familie damit zu tun hat... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-28 03:48:11.682387

Nr2Eleven countries, including the United States, have recorded almost 150 Salmonella infections that could be linked to tomatoes. Since January 2023, 149 cases of Salmonella Strathcona have been reported. Germany… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-27 21:47:46.750422

Nr7Авторы Battletech и трилогии Shadowrun решили в очередной раз порадовать любителей пошаговых стратегий. И The Lamplighters League, вроде бы, сочетает в себе лучшие элементы подобных игр, но не всё получилось… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-27 19:47:36.898580

Nr6X Podcasts Login Podcasts Episodes La guerre de succession chez les Murdoch aura-t-elle lieu ? Minute Papillon! | Anne-Laëtitia Béraud Ad Advertisement - 0 s 00:00 00:00 Next | About… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-27 18:48:20.442892

Nr1In a startling turn of events, researchers at OpenAI have reportedly discovered a potentially hazardous breakthrough in artificial intelligence (AI), which eventually led to the ousting of its CEO, Sam...… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-27 17:48:28.609170

Nr0Multi-asset broker Exness, together with the Department of Forests, announced the second phase of its initiative to address the escalating issue of wildfires in Cyprus: the donation of three specialized… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-27 14:47:58.812135

Nr3Die EU-Spitze zerlegt sich, die USA kämpfen mit eigenen Problemen. Das Spitzentreffen in Washington zeigt: Dem Westen fehlt eine gemeinsame Strategie... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-27 14:47:58.006722

Nr2Colman Domingo plays Bayard Rustin in the new Netflix movie... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-27 11:48:16.120176

Nr4Here's a recap of recent funding developments from Australia and beyond... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-27 10:48:05.176758

Nr7Смартфон iPhone 15, поступивший в продажу 22 сентября, в России покупают менее активно, чем предыдущую модель, сообщили «Известия» со ссылкой на источники в двух сотовых операторах. Причин этому называют несколько… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-27 08:47:58.603821

Nr6Les Français passent environ 45 minutes par jour aux toilettes, selon un sondage Sondage Selon une enquête OpinionWay pour la compagnie des Déboucheurs, le temps passé au petit coin dépasse… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-27 04:47:58.162086

Nr1Comments... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-27 02:47:43.422467

Nr0See the emotional reunions of hostages released from Gaza by Hamas and Palestinian prisoners released by Israel... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-27 01:48:36.203178

Nr3Die Gewinner des Deutschen Wirtschaftsbuchpreises 2023 stehen fest: China-Experte Felix Lee hat das beste Wirtschaftsbuch geschrieben. Der Leserpreis geht an Sara Weber, die unsere Arbeitswelt hinterfragt... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-27 01:48:35.344388

Nr2According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 1 million people deliver their infants by cesarean section (C-section) each year, making it the most common surgical procedure… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-26 23:47:52.265968

Nr7Одним из столпов своей ИИ-платформы Intel сделала разработки поглощённой когда-то Habana Labs. Но если ускорители Gaudi2 конкурентоспособными, то ветку инференс-решений Goya/Greco было решено свернуть. Любопытно, что на мероприятии Intel Innovation… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-26 21:48:15.727093

Nr6Prix Nobel de médecine : Katalin Kariko et Drew Weissman couronnés pour le vaccin ARN messager Avancées « Les lauréats ont contribué au développement à un rythme sans précédent de… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-26 18:47:49.582462

Nr4KPMG report stresses Australian businesses must boost supply chain and ESG investments... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-26 13:52:24.014783

Nr1 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-26 12:48:14.024777

Nr3Der eskalierende Konflikt im Nahen Osten polarisiert die USA. In der Politik, bei Investoren, Tech-Konzernen und Unis prallen die Standpunkte frontal aufeinander... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-26 12:48:24.024394

Nr7К поискам причин перегрева недавно вышедших на рынок смартфонов iPhone 15 Pro и iPhone 15 Pro Max подключились разного рода эксперты, и некоторые из них начали высказывать предположения, что титановая… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-26 12:48:13.244731

Nr2Latvian authorities have discovered about 18 tons of food products in a warehouse with expired or changed shelf life dates. The Food and Veterinary Service (PVD) said products were imported… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-26 11:48:18.206600

Nr0Coinspeaker Binance Legal Issues Could Worsen as CFTC Gets More Aggressive, Gains Access to Crypto Exchange's Records The commission now has access to all of the exchange's records, which could… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-26 10:48:07.679274

Nr6Islande : 24 baleines ont été tuées lors de la saison de chasse, malgré la controverse controverse Un rapport commandé par le gouvernement a conclu en juin que les méthodes… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-26 01:48:03.526897

Nr7Следующую часть серии криминальных боевиков с открытым миром Grand Theft Auto студия Rockstar Games подтвердила ещё в прошлом феврале, но до сих пор ничего о проекте не рассказала. Фанаты так… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-26 01:47:55.427996

Nr4We explore how Australia is leveraging AI and Industry 4.0 to redefine efficiency in the face of economic challenges... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-25 23:48:00.437046

Nr3Umsatz und Gewinn von VW haben im dritten Quartal angezogen. Doch verpasste Erwartungen bei Rohstoffgeschäften zwingen den Konzern zur Gewinnwarnung... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-25 23:48:10.076870

Nr6Pologne : Un million de personnes manifestent contre le gouvernement opposition Une vaste manifestation contre le gouvernement polonais a eu lieu à 15 jours des élections parlementaires « Un moment… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-25 23:47:59.767467

Nr2A surprising side story brings one of animation's most iconic voices to the show... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-25 23:47:49.185019

Nr1Citing two sources familiar with the matter, Reuters writes that the delayed chip is the H20, the most powerful of three AI-focused products Nvidia has developed to comply with the… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-25 20:47:38.437740

Nr0Reading Time: 2 minutes Crypto exchange HTX has announced that it will reactivate deposit and withdrawal services The exchange had deactivated the service after a hack that siphoned around 30… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-25 14:47:41.062042

Nr7Авторы Battletech и трилогии Shadowrun решили в очередной раз порадовать любителей пошаговых стратегий. И The Lamplighters League, вроде бы, сочетает в себе лучшие элементы подобных игр, но не всё получилось… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-25 12:47:51.082174

Nr6Ille-et-Vilaine : Il nage 200 mètres pour tenter d'échapper aux gendarmes A L'EAU Un homme a été interpellé en pleine nuit à Redon, après avoir sauté dans le fleuve Il… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-25 10:47:40.521857

Nr3Das kommunistische Regime in Venezuela darf wieder Öl in den Vereinigten Staaten verkaufen. Der Schritt ist politisch heikel – und wirtschaftlich zweifelhaft... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-25 10:47:39.173419

Nr2TFP Nutrition has expanded a recall of its pet food to include 37 more products because of the possibility of Salmonella contamination. The company first announced a recall of other… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-25 09:47:42.581658

Nr1Publishers' events businesses picked up pretty significantly during the back half of this year — and they will focus on sustaining that lift into 2024, according to Digiday+ Research... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-25 08:47:53.451172

Nr4This week, we delve into the inspiring journey of Mel and Tara, an extraordinary Indigenous mother-daughter team, an exceptional Indigenous mother-daughter duo, as they brought Yaala Sparkling to life... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-25 05:48:24.203514

Nr0Daphne Norris grew up in a Mustang-crazy family and now has four of the iconic Fords in her corral, including a 1965 convertible... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-25 02:49:38.442579

Nr7Сегодня компания AMD выпустила технологию интеллектуального масштабирования FidelityFX Super Resolution 3 или просто FSR 3. Первыми играми с ней стали Forspoken и Immortals of Aveum. Главными нововведениями FSR 3 стали… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-25 00:50:52.398172

Nr6Bordeaux : « Je ne regarde que mon clavier pour ne pas me faire de frayeurs » explique le pianiste suspendu à une grue INTERVIEW Le compositeur suisse Alain Roche… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-24 21:47:39.550907

Nr3Der Wohnungsbau entwickelt sich zum Sorgenkind der hiesigen Wirtschaft. Im August sank die Zahl der genehmigten Wohnungen um fast ein Drittel... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-24 21:47:38.581323

Nr2Hepatitis A infection has been diagnosed in a server at Lolita's Bar and Grill located at 472 Buford Drive in Lawrenceville, GA. Individuals who ate at the restaurant from Oct.… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-24 18:58:45.405574

Nr1I conclude the objects are the spy satellite and the rocket upper stage... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-24 15:47:39.062827

Nr4KPMG report stresses Australian businesses must boost supply chain and ESG investments... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-24 14:49:10.327090

Nr7Французская ГК iliad Group заявила о приобретении системы NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD для предоставления участникам европейского рынка IT «самого мощного» в регионе облачного ИИ-суперкомпьютера, включающего 1016 ускорителей H100 (127 систем DGX… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-24 14:49:01.335154

Nr0Bitcoin market cap swelled by 40% since October. A Coinbase report says an imminent Bitcoin ETF approval will drive billions more in capital inflows... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-24 13:48:07.132474

Nr6Punaises de lit à Paris : Un employé de l'UGC affirme qu'on leur a « demandé de mentir » Aie « Il fallait leur dire qu'il n'y en avait pas,… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-24 08:48:15.103838

Nr3Israel fordert Gaza-Bewohner erneut zur Flucht auf +++ Scholz trifft Ägyptens Präsidenten al-Sisi in Kairo +++ Israel beschießt Ziele im Libanon +++ Der News-Blog... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-24 08:48:14.338808

Nr2Public health officials in Canada have confirmed that cantaloupes are the source of an outbreak of Salmonella infections. The British Columbia Center for Disease Control reports that the outbreak is… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-24 03:49:25.842818

Nr7Google выпустила 'экстренное обновление для браузера Google Chrome за номером 117.0.5938.132 для операционных Windows, macOS и Linux, призванное устранить критическую уязвимость нулевого дня с идентификатором CVE-2023-5217, которая может привести к… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-24 03:49:15.235764

Nr1Black Friday week is here and we've found a stunner of a deal. B&H's selling the MSI Thin GF63 gaming laptop for just $599, which is a savings of $300… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-24 02:47:54.971502

Nr6Le spectacle de Dieudonné, prévu dans le « Dieudobus », finalement autorisé par la justice comique Le spectacle prévu de Dieudonné et de Francis Lalanne aura lieu ce vendredi soir… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-23 23:47:47.171559

Nr0By exploiting a bug, the attacker caused liquidity to be "double-counted," allowing them to get an unfair price for a swap... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-23 22:47:54.104508

Nr4Jirsch Sutherland reports a 200%+ surge in Small Business Restructuring cases, especially in construction, retail, and hospitality during July-Sept... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-23 19:48:14.159903

Nr3Im internationalen Vergleich sind Frauen in deutschen Vorstandsetagen einer Studie zufolge klar unterrepräsentiert. Der Spitzenreiter kommt hier aus Übersee... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-23 19:48:13.457331

Nr2Vinyard Fruit and Vegetable Company of Oklahoma City, OK, is recalling freshcut cantaloupe products because they have the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella. Some of the freshcut cantaloupe products… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-23 16:47:56.512733

Nr7Следующую часть серии криминальных боевиков с открытым миром Grand Theft Auto студия Rockstar Games подтвердила ещё в прошлом феврале, но до сих пор ничего о проекте не рассказала. Фанаты так… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-23 15:48:02.219495

Nr6Emma Thompson déteste qu'on parle de « contenu » pour qualifier des films et séries SEMANTIQUE L'actrice trouve le terme insultant pour les gens impliqués dans la création S'il y… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-23 13:47:57.888758

Nr1OpenAI's board appears to have ejected Sam Altman in an attempt to preserve OpenAI's mission of keeping AI development safe. The chaotic results have done the exact opposite... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-23 08:47:46.803810

Nr0In an unexpected turn of events, Sam Altman, the co-founder and former CEO of OpenAI, has been reinstated as the company's leader, just days after his abrupt dismissal. This decision… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-23 06:48:25.648669

Nr3Die israelische Armee hat Aufnahmen vorgelegt, die zeigen sollen, dass der Raketeneinschlag militanten Palästinensern zuzurechnen ist. Diese weisen den Vorwurf zurück... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-23 06:48:24.833066

Nr2Canadian officials report that an outbreak of Salmonella infections in people has been traced to raw pet food and possibly contact with cattle. The Public Health Agency of Canada just… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-23 05:48:10.729732

Nr7Авторы Battletech и трилогии Shadowrun решили в очередной раз порадовать любителей пошаговых стратегий. И The Lamplighters League, вроде бы, сочетает в себе лучшие элементы подобных игр, но не всё получилось… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-23 05:47:58.944483

Nr4In the backdrop of the report, September 2023 saw a 1.8% month-on-month decrease in national job advertisements when compared to August 2023... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-23 04:48:37.417604

Nr6Guillermo del Toro a failli réaliser un film « Star Wars » CINEMA Un long métrage que devait écrire David S. Goyer, le scénariste de « Man of Steel »… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-22 23:48:25.302561

Nr1Intel already revealed its plans for future processors , confirming that Lunar Lake is to succeed this year's Meteor Lake mobile processors. Even though Lunar Lake is expected to launch… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-22 17:55:40.093145

Nr7Смартфон iPhone 15, поступивший в продажу 22 сентября, в России покупают менее активно, чем предыдущую модель, сообщили «Известия» со ссылкой на источники в двух сотовых операторах. Причин этому называют несколько… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!