
Es werden Posts vom Oktober, 2023 angezeigt.

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-01 07:48:19.891592

Nr7Федеральная антимонопольная служба России потребовала от операторов связи МТС, «Билайн», «Мегафон» и Теле 2 отменить плату за раздачу интернет-трафика с мобильных устройств. Если этого не произойдёт в установленный период, действия… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-01 07:48:10.010086

Nr6Ligue 1 : Fabio Grosso débarque à l'OL (bonne chance à lui) FOOTBALL Le champion du monde italien, qui avait évolué à Lyon entre 2007 et 2019 a été préféré… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-01 07:48:06.323286

Nr3Das Projekt namens „Atlas" zielt auf die Ermittlung und Darstellung von Krypto-Geldströmen ab. Diese Daten sollen dabei helfen Risiken und Vorteile für das Finanzsystem abschätzen zu können... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-01 04:51:58.306221

Nr1Ahead of the AI Safety Summit starting tomorrow morning taking place outside of London in Bletchley Park, today, the U.K. government has confirmed more details about who is actually going… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-11-01 03:51:39.040260

Nr2MedPage Today) -- Analyzing more than 50 years of pregnancy and mortality data, researchers found that excessive gestational weight gain (GWG) was associated with increased risk for earlier death. For… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-31 23:48:57.371193

Nr4A recent study has shed light on a concerning issue regarding food product labels in the online supermarkets of major retailers in Australia... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-31 19:52:28.648395

Nr7Польская студия The Astronauts (The Vanishing of Ethan Carter), основанная бывшими разработчиками Painkiller и Bulletstorm, в интервью Wccftech ответила на несколько вопросов о своём роглайт-шутере в жанре тёмного фэнтези Witchfire.… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-31 19:52:19.183610

Nr6Béziers : Pour lutter contre les déjections, le fichage ADN des chiens entre en vigueur PROPRETE Les propriétaires de toutous indélicats recevront une facture de 122 euros - Désormais, à… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-31 18:48:39.318490

Nr3Der Weg zum Vorsitz des US-Repräsentantenhauses war steinig für Kevin McCarthy. Nach dem heftigen Haushaltsstreit vom Wochenende drohen neue Probleme... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-31 16:49:56.467328

Nr0Company also puts a "temporary" ban on advertising to minors to avoid violating new EU privacy protections. The post Europe gets ad-free Facebook and Instagram subscriptions appeared first on MarTech... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-31 14:48:38.526899

Nr1Image: Sony Sony has finally announced a release date for its PlayStation-branded Pulse Explore earbuds and Pulse Elite headset. While the Pulse Explore earbuds will launch on December 6th, 2023,… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-31 13:48:47.937063

Nr2In her memoir, "The Woman in Me," she wrote that constant public scrutiny made her feel isolated and afraid... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-31 08:48:29.810709

Nr7Exell — активно развивающийся бренд, который на сегодняшний день предлагает широкий ассортимент проекторов с различными возможностями, характеристиками и ценами, что позволяет предлагать решения для самых разных областей применения... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-31 08:48:19.147268

Nr6PSG : C'est officiel, Marco Verratti quitte Paris et rejoint le Qatar Football Dans la liste des indésirables depuis le début de la saison, le milieu de terrain italien Marco… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-31 05:49:40.460171

Nr4Boosting staff performance through employee engagement is essential yet demanding, writes Chris Ellis, Director of Pre-Sales at Nintex... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-31 05:49:36.736699

Nr3Der Gründer der Börse FTX muss sich wegen milliardenschweren Betrugs in New York verantworten. Die Kunden warten unterdessen weiter auf ihr Geld... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-31 01:47:40.018526

Nr0AI models tend to prioritize user desires over truth, with reinforcement learning from human feedback potentially responsible, prompting researchers to explore alternative training methods. [...] Read More... The post AI… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-31 00:48:05.770293

Nr2A Salmonella outbreak in Finland, which affected more than 60 people, has been linked to sprouts. The National Institute of Health and Welfare (THL) reported that 62 people in different… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-31 00:47:57.296398

Nr1Crackdown limits some cheat devices but also hurts fighting and accessibility hardware... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-30 21:47:52.185904

Nr7Раздел с рекомендациями в меню «Пуск» Windows 11 никогда не отличался особой полезностью. В скором времени раздел «Рекомендуемые» станет ещё более загромождённым, поскольку в нём появятся ссылки на веб-сайты, которые,… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-30 21:47:42.336726

Nr6Espagne : Un homme arrêté après avoir mis une main aux fesses en direct à une journaliste Violences sexuelles Depuis trois semaines, l'Espagne est agitée par l'affaire Luis Rubiales qui… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-30 16:49:46.793207

Nr3Am 2. Oktober ist endet die Frist für die Abgabe der Steuererklärung für 2022. Welche Quellen Steuerbeamte anzapfen können, um die Richtigkeit der Angaben zu überprüfen... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-30 12:48:16.201021

Nr4Jenny elaborates on the numerous advantages of the Gating Process and outlines eight essential reasons for mapping out core processes... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-30 11:48:47.726147

Nr2Better air quality monitoring techniques are needed to assess the acute impacts of pollution on people with asthma, new research by the University of Stirling has found... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-30 10:48:34.715936

Nr6L'iPhone 12 retiré temporairement du marché français en raison d'ondes trop puissantes APPLE L'agence nationale des fréquences a publié un communiqué mardi soir, alors que la firme californienne présentait de… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-30 10:48:25.304344

Nr1The last quarter in venture capital was quite gloomy. Even AI didn't change the picture that much, but its impact is starting to show in other ways.  © 2023 TechCrunch.… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-30 10:48:44.903793

Nr7Появление кошелька TON Space в мессенджере Telegram способствовало росту котировок криптовалюты Toncoin — она вплотную подошла к отметке в $3 и вошла в десятку цифровых активов с самой крупной рыночной… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-30 09:49:33.239610

Nr0Here are some of the more important must-haves to get and keep Gen Z employees at your business by understanding their demands and needs... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-30 03:48:35.564233

Nr3Kaum jemand ist heute so gut abgesichert wie Rentner-Ehepaare. Für die Jungen sieht es schlechter aus. Wie die Politik ihr Vertrauen in die Rente wiederherstellen will... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-29 23:48:49.454907

Nr7Федеральная антимонопольная служба России потребовала от операторов связи МТС, «Билайн», «Мегафон» и Теле 2 отменить плату за раздачу интернет-трафика с мобильных устройств. Если этого не произойдёт в установленный период, действия… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-29 23:48:39.787867

Nr6Marseille : La jeune femme atteinte à la tête et touchée chez elle par des tirs à l'aveugle est décédée VIOLENCE La victime, qui avait reçu des tirs de Kalachnikov… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-29 22:49:41.843936

Nr2MedPage Today) -- A parasitic disease that can cause skin ulcers and is usually spread by the tiny sandfly may now be endemic to the U.S., preliminary findings from CDC… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-29 20:47:53.337162

Nr1FaZe Clan's July 2022 investor presentation, which the company used to generate interest in the SPAC merger, is still available on FaZe's investor relations website, for better or worse. In… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-29 19:47:51.766663

Nr4Monthly CPI indicator rose 5.2% annually to August 2023... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-29 18:47:51.806677

Nr0What does it take to innovate in a large, established organization... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-29 14:48:28.805314

Nr3An der Börse gibt es die verschiedensten Strategien. Drei Autoren verfolgen in ihren Büchern völlig unterschiedliche Ansätze. Alle haben Vor- und Nachteile... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-29 11:51:15.342370

Nr7Польская студия The Astronauts (The Vanishing of Ethan Carter), основанная бывшими разработчиками Painkiller и Bulletstorm, в интервью Wccftech ответила на несколько вопросов о своём роглайт-шутере в жанре тёмного фэнтези Witchfire.… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-29 11:51:05.133752

Nr6Marseille : Cave, chalumeau, « charbonneur » … Tout comprendre au procès des quatre trafiquants accusés de torture Procès Quatre hommes, soupçonnés d'appartenir à un réseau de trafic de stupéfiants,… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-29 09:47:42.854697

Nr2Professionals from around the world can join the discussion on key digital health topics at the GCC eHealth Workforce Development Conference (eHWDC 2023), scheduled to take place in Dubai at… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-29 06:47:42.887247

Nr1Backing up your computer can save you from a data destruction disaster. I should know -- I nearly lost everything when my PC died, but my backups rescued me... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-29 03:47:44.054876

Nr0IP address protection seems on a faster track for the most popular web browser than cookie deprecation. The post Chrome's IP address protection initiative presents new challenges for marketers appeared… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-29 02:47:38.260024

Nr4Jenny elaborates on the numerous advantages of the Gating Process and outlines eight essential reasons for mapping out core processes... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-29 01:47:39.033938

Nr3In Zeiten flexibler Arbeitsmodelle stehen immer mehr Büroimmobilien leer. Weil gleichzeitig Wohnungen fehlen, liegt der Umbau nahe. Doch so einfach ist das nicht... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-29 00:48:06.017199

Nr7Exell — активно развивающийся бренд, который на сегодняшний день предлагает широкий ассортимент проекторов с различными возможностями, характеристиками и ценами, что позволяет предлагать решения для самых разных областей применения... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-29 00:47:55.231797

Nr6Lyon : Deux All Blacks montent la colline de Fourvière à Vélo'v… mais s'arrêtent essoufflés à mi-chemin INSOLITE Les joueurs néo-zélandais George Bower et Andy Ellis, installés à Lyon avec… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-28 20:47:38.713824

Nr2Timex and Citizen came out on top in our testing... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-28 16:48:14.585395

Nr1Exactly one year has passed since Elon Musk, fresh off a months-long legal battle that forced him to buy the company, strolled into Twitter headquarters carrying a sink. At the… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-28 13:47:51.990519

Nr7Раздел с рекомендациями в меню «Пуск» Windows 11 никогда не отличался особой полезностью. В скором времени раздел «Рекомендуемые» станет ещё более загромождённым, поскольку в нём появятся ссылки на веб-сайты, которые,… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-28 13:47:41.886124

Nr6Un homme de 55 ans a été tué par balles lundi soir dans un quartier du nord de Marseille, a-t-on appris mardi de sources policières.Le quinquagénaire a été tué dans… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-28 12:48:09.481783

Nr3Selbst hierzulande könnte das Wasser infolge der Klimakrise knapp werden. Das Buch von Uwe Ritzer ist ein überfälliger Weckruf an Politik, Behörden und Verbraucher... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-28 12:48:08.617652

Nr0The post Whale Moves Billions of Shiba Inu (SHIB) As InQubeta Exceeds Expectations appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News The crypto community is abuzz after a whale moved billions of… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-28 08:48:49.886537

Nr4Australian restaurants are reinventing themselves by bottling up sauces, selling cooking classes, or creating merch brands as a way to bring in revenue from multiple sources... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-28 07:47:52.305289

Nr2Powdered drink mixes that are widely promoted as "toddler milks" for older babies and children up to age 3 are unregulated, unnecessary and "nutritionally incomplete," the American Academy of Pediatrics… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-28 01:50:09.739105

Nr7Появление кошелька TON Space в мессенджере Telegram способствовало росту котировок криптовалюты Toncoin — она вплотную подошла к отметке в $3 и вошла в десятку цифровых активов с самой крупной рыночной… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-28 01:49:59.646533

Nr6Violences faites aux femmes : Pourquoi 80 % des plaintes sont-elles classées sans suite ? JUSTICE 80 % des plaintes déposées sont classées sans suite et seulement 1 % de… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-28 01:49:50.410799

Nr1The best ebook readers enhance your reading experience and cut down on clutter, and we can help you choose the right one for your needs... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-27 23:48:32.386961

Nr3Künstliche Intelligenz kann bislang vor allem Texte und Bilder erschaffen. US-Firmen setzen jetzt neue Maßstäbe bei Videos - mit Auswirkungen auf soziale Netzwerke und Hollywood... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-27 21:48:41.221525

Nr0Instead of becoming a dictator, here's a better way to shape and guide those you lead... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-27 18:47:53.288638

Nr2MedPage Today) -- MADRID -- Immunotherapy, chemotherapy, and a PARP inhibitor in the first line improved progression-free survival (PFS) in patients with advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer, according to the… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-27 15:49:42.026481

Nr4Here's everything you need to know about the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Bill 2023... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-27 14:49:47.825203

Nr7Федеральная антимонопольная служба России потребовала от операторов связи МТС, «Билайн», «Мегафон» и Теле 2 отменить плату за раздачу интернет-трафика с мобильных устройств. Если этого не произойдёт в установленный период, действия… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-27 14:49:38.650487

Nr6Coupe du monde de rugby 2023 : Premiers couacs dans l'organisation à Marseille pour Angleterre - Argentine COUPE DU MONDE DE RUGBY 2023 Certains supporteurs du match entre l'Angleterre et… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-27 11:48:46.497559

Nr1Disney+ currently has no free trial, but it could get a discount during Black Friday. Here's everything we know... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-27 09:50:04.099136

Nr3Schnelles Wachstum reicht nicht mehr: Finanz-Start-ups müssen ihren Geldgebern schneller schwarze Zahlen liefern. Selbst die Großen geraten immer stärker unter Druck... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-27 06:48:48.938882

Nr0The top emerging housing markets this fall share a common feature—they offer affordably priced homes. Topeka, Kan., tops the list with a median home list price of $250,000, making it… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-27 04:49:21.312954

Nr2MedPage Today) -- MADRID -- Including pembrolizumab (Keytruda) in the first-line treatment of metastatic HER2-positive gastric or gastroesophageal cancer improved progression-free survival (PFS), but potential harm was seen in PD-L1-negative... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-27 02:51:47.804710

Nr7Польская студия The Astronauts (The Vanishing of Ethan Carter), основанная бывшими разработчиками Painkiller и Bulletstorm, в интервью Wccftech ответила на несколько вопросов о своём роглайт-шутере в жанре тёмного фэнтези Witchfire.… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-27 02:51:37.514903

Nr6Trophée des championnes : Lyon remporte la compétition pour la troisième fois et comme toujours contre le PSG FOOTBALL Les Lyonnaises ont remporté toutes les éditions du Trophée des championnes… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-26 21:53:13.050325

Nr4In this edition of Let's Talk, our experts explore essential practices and steps for SMEs to navigate evolving wage regulations effectively... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-26 20:50:06.926318

Nr3Streaming boomt – doch gerade in Deutschland sind die Klimaauswirkungen besonders groß. Das liegt vor allem an zwei Bereichen... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-26 20:50:05.996473

Nr1Nadella said that in retrospect, he believes Microsoft could have made things work by perhaps reinventing the relationship between PCs, tablets, and phones.Read Entire Article... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-26 15:50:02.372057

Nr2MedPage Today) -- Titrated low-dose amitriptyline significantly improved irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms when used as a second-line treatment in the primary care setting, the randomized ATLANTIS trial showed. In… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-26 15:33:24.715421

Nr7Объёмы поставок ускорителей NVIDIA для систем искусственного интеллекта в новостях фигурируют преимущественно в контексте обсуждения дефицита данного вида компонентов, но представители Omdia использовали неожиданный подход для оценки масштабов отгрузки этой… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-26 15:33:14.809911

Nr6Coupe du monde de rugby : Les supporteurs face à la flambée des prix des hôtels dans les villes hôtes Coupe du monde rugby 2023 Avec l'afflux de supporteurs étrangers,… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-26 15:33:05.384937

Nr0Mastercard, the global card issuer and payment giant, is looking to team up with self-custody wallet providers to expand Web3's reach. The two leading wallets, MetaMask and Ledger are among… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-10-26 02:47:43.453600

Nr2 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!