
Es werden Posts vom Dezember, 2023 angezeigt.

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-01 08:48:05.481299

Nr0Former FC Barcelona president Joan Gaspart explained that he is "optimistic" about the club's future and predicted it will "win the league, the Copa del Rey and the Champions League"… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2024-01-01 03:47:44.160127

Nr1Amazon Echo Frames return with much of the same features and hardware as before -- could it be time to give them a try, at long last... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-31 23:47:40.813276

Nr7Компания Huawei Technologies до введения жёстких американских санкций была одним из крупнейших покупателей датчиков изображений Sony, которые использовались в китайских смартфонах марок Huawei и Honor. Теперь Sony сосредоточена на обслуживании… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-31 21:51:32.476012

Nr6Arras : Enquête ouverte après le début d'incendie d'une église Culte Une église d'Arras, dans le Pas-de-Calais, a été le théâtre d'un début d'incendie Acte volontaire ou accident ? [L'église](… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-31 20:47:53.596092

Nr3Der Milliardär und Benko-Investor kauft der Signa Development die Beteiligung an einem Bürogebäude in Berlin ab. Transaktionen mit anderen Firmen der Gruppe werden eingefroren... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-31 20:47:52.770999

Nr2A federal court has enjoined a California company to stop manufacturing and distributing adulterated food products that violate the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA). In a civil complaint… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-31 19:50:45.614528

Nr4In this week's edition of "Let's Talk," we delve into the dynamic world of talent retention. As the global job market continues to evolve, businesses face the ever-increasing challenge of… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-31 17:48:01.585849

Nr0We asked, our readers answered: Which HBR articles did you find most powerful this year... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-31 13:47:48.363527

Nr1A look back at some of the biggest AI news that transpired each month of the year... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-31 12:47:41.465975

Nr7Micron Technology урегулировала судебный спор с ключевым китайским конкурентом — компанией Fujian Jinhua Integrated Circuit, которую ранее обвинила в краже интеллектуальной собственности, пишет Bloomberg, объясняя этот шаг желанием американской компании… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-31 10:47:50.211853

Nr6Attention aux médicaments antirhume, mais aussi aux sirops contre la toux Médicaments Alors que les médicaments antirhume sont pointés du doigt pour leur dangerosité potentielle, les sirops antitussifs ne sont… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-31 07:47:40.775613

Nr3Gestiegene Zinsen machen Tagesgeld und Anleihen zu echten Alternativen für europäische Aktien. Selbst üppige Dividenden helfen kaum. Wie es besser geht, zeigt sich in den USA... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-31 07:47:40.131613

Nr2According to federal officials, a deadly outbreak of infections from Salmonella Thompson has ended. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that one person died and 80 were sickened… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-31 02:48:19.244449

Nr4Behind the scenes deployment of Conversational AI technology can supercharge contact centre agents' interactions with customers... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-31 02:48:09.573984

Nr0Cryptocurrency markets are unsurprisingly choppy on the final Friday of 2024, as massive option expiries trigger waves of unpredictable buy and sell pressure as market players hedge themselves and reposition… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-31 01:47:54.637383

Nr7Первая массовая платформа, поддерживающая оперативную память стандарта DDR5, появилась два года назад. За это время утекло много воды: компания Intel выпустила три поколения чипов Core; AMD представила совершенно новую платформу… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-30 23:48:16.724763

Nr6Argenteuil : Décès de la nonagénaire ayant dénoncé un viol et une agression sexuelle à l'hôpital VIOLENCES Un suspect a été arrêté et placé sous contrôle judiciaire Une femme de… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-30 23:48:07.789093

Nr1Photo by Amelia Holowaty Krales / The Verge For over three years now, Apple has been entrenched in a messy legal battle over a single feature on the Apple Watch… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-30 18:48:08.639119

Nr3Optimismus sieht anders aus. Die globale Finanzelite sieht deutlich mehr Gefahren als Chancen an den Märkten – das zeigte ein prominent besetztes Gipfeltreffen in Hongkong... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-30 18:48:07.699785

Nr2Human microbiome research has progressed in leaps and bounds over the past decades, from pivotal studies begun in the 1970s to the launch of the Human Microbiome Project in 2007.… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-30 14:47:55.026735

Nr7Состоялся релиз очередного обновления мессенджера Telegram, которое приносит с собой ряд любопытных нововведений. Администраторы каналов теперь могут устанавливать обои, эмодзи-статусы и логотипы профиля, а пользователи — делать репосты публикаций из… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-30 12:47:49.378392

Nr6Pontoise : Le gaspillage à la cantine coûte 400.000 euros à la municipalité ÉCOLE Près de 30.000 repas ont été jetés à cause de l'absentéisme des écoliers La Ville de… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-30 11:47:44.590461

Nr0Gavin Newsom and Kimberly Guilfoyle were once a high-profile political couple known as "the new Kennedys." Their paths have diverged significantly... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-30 09:47:59.551843

Nr4New Metro data: 68% of SMEs need assets for growth this year, but 22% cite high vehicle and equipment costs as a barrier... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-30 09:47:50.193849

Nr1If you own the Meta Quest 3 or any Quest models or any other VR headset, really, you're inevitably going to run out of juice... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-30 05:47:43.310029

Nr3Der spanische Telekommunikationskonzern verspricht Investoren moderates, aber profitableres Wachstum – hat aber keine Lösung für die traditionell hohe Verschuldung. Die Aktie reagiert... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-30 05:47:42.476207

Nr2When Idaho had a rare measles outbreak a few months ago, health officials scrambled to keep it from spreading. In the end, 10 people, all in one family, were infected,… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-30 03:47:44.881005

Nr7Разработчики из Fourexo Entertainment совместно с издательством Deck13 выпустили первое дополнение к своему градостроительному симулятору Highrise City. По такому случаю был представлен отдельный трейлер. Источник изображения: Deck13... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-30 01:47:39.594316

Nr6Travailler dans une station polaire de l'Antarctique ? L'expérience attire malgré les bas salaires UNIQUE De nombreux jeunes se lancent dans l'aventure grâce au programme de service civique [Travailler]( un… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-29 20:47:52.889435

Nr0The US Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York approved Celsius Network's restructuring plans for bitcoin mining on Wednesday. Celsius filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in July… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-29 19:47:48.006700

Nr1Are you a digital nomad or a remote worker? If so, you probably need a good wireless mouse for working on the go. Here are five of the best to… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-29 16:48:11.709462

Nr7Шутер с разрушаемостью от бывших разработчиков Battlefield — такого описания достаточно, чтобы многие любители жанра как минимум заинтересовались новинкой. Получилась ли хорошая игра, или THE FINALS — очередная поделка, которая… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-29 16:47:49.766173

Nr2Our expert recommends Cartier's Pasha de Cartier Noir Absolu and Tom Ford's Oud Wood... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-29 16:47:59.532031

Nr4majority of ANZ businesses see hybrid and remote work as having a positive impact on their bottom line, with CEOs voting hybrid work flexibility as #1 driver underpinning successful employee… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-29 16:47:50.408131

Nr3Deutsche Rüstungsexporte nach Israel wohl knapp verzehnfacht +++ Katar will laut Insider Feuerpause und Geisel-Freilassung erreichen +++ Der Newsblog... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-29 14:48:07.690204

Nr6X Podcasts Login Podcasts Episodes L'intelligence artificielle va-t-elle vraiment nous piquer notre boulot ? Postule | 20 Minutes Ad Advertisement - 0 s 00:00 00:00 Next | About About this… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-29 05:47:58.889421

Nr7Космический телескоп «Хаббл» представил снимок далёкой галактики MCG-01-24-014, расположенной на удалении 275 млн световых лет от Земли. Эта галактика относится к редким сейфертовским галактикам с «мини»-квазаром в её центре. Одна… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-29 04:51:56.385489

Nr1Throughout the year, Digiday+ Research tracked the ups and downs in the media and marketing industries through regular surveys of publisher, agency, brand and retailer professionals. We round up the… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-29 04:51:45.210925

Nr0Western Texas Intermediate (WTI), the US crude oil benchmark, is trading around $74.30 on Thursday... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-29 03:48:01.308915

Nr3Wichtige Konjunkturindikatoren zeigen, dass die Zinserhöhungen ihre Wirkung entfalten. Das lässt für die kommenden Handelstage am Aktienmarkt hoffen... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-29 03:48:09.565471

Nr6Monaco – Metz : Golazo !!! Le Messin Lamine Camara marque sur un lob de 58 mètres Football Le jeune Sénégalais a inscrit le troisième but le plus lointain en… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-29 03:48:00.634936

Nr2MedPage Today) -- Healthcare visits for transgender-related diagnoses and gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT) have been rising, researchers reported, suggesting it as an opportunity for HIV prevention. Within a commercial health… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-28 23:47:51.413733

Nr4Welcome to AI Weekly, your source for concise summaries of the latest AI advancements in the ever-evolving world of artificial intelligence... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-28 18:47:58.039843

Nr7С вами GamesBlender. Год подходит к концу, а значит, пора подводить итоги. Обычно они бывают такими же скучными, как предыдущее предложение, но не в этот раз. Поехали... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-28 16:47:47.008216

Nr6Actifed, Dolirhume… Ces médicaments anti-rhume à nouveau pointés du doigt par les autorités sanitaires DANGER Ces médicaments seraient susceptibles de provoquer des infarctus ou des AVC Humex, Actifed, Dolirhume, Nurofen… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-28 14:47:58.547066

Nr3Baerbock: Mehr als 30 Deutsche zuletzt aus Gazastreifen ausgereist +++ UN: 70 Prozent der Bevölkerung im Gazastreifen vertrieben +++ Der Newsblog... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-28 14:47:57.255662

Nr2Two investment bankers discuss the players in the telehealth sector, the main financial backers, the dynamics between venture capital and private equity, and more... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-28 14:47:45.715354

Nr1Why wait until spring when you could save so much now for your spring cleaning supplies? These cordless vacuums are up to 75% off at Walmart... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-28 13:47:59.675417

Nr0US officials announced what could be the last package of military aid to Ukraine... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-28 07:47:50.606368

Nr7Редакция издания Digital Foundry в лице Джона Линнемана (John Linneman), Алекса Баттальи (Alex Battaglia) и Оливера Маккензи (Oliver Mackenzie) в специальном видео подвела итоги 2023 года, выбрав игры с лучшей… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-28 06:47:57.937682

Nr4With inflation rising a further 1.2% deeping fears of a potential RBA interest rate hike in 2 weeks' time, writes Amy Benson... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-28 05:47:57.152615

Nr6Travailler dans une station polaire de l'Antarctique ? L'expérience attire malgré les bas salaires UNIQUE De nombreux jeunes se lancent dans l'aventure grâce au programme de service civique [Travailler]( un… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-28 01:48:11.222929

Nr3Weitere Raketenangriffe auf Städte in Israel +++ Von der Leyen schlägt Grundprinzipien für Zeit nach Krieg vor +++ Israel meldet Zweiteilung des Gazastreifens +++ Der Newsblog... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-28 01:48:10.602918

Nr2Weight gain can be a big problem when you take HIV medication. Two Black gay men share their stories of how they're tilting the scales in the favor... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-28 00:48:03.869330

Nr1Salesforce started the year with an unusual level of turbulence, but after escaping activist investors, it ended up having a good year. © 2023 TechCrunch. All rights reserved. For personal… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-27 22:48:20.579624

Nr0Coinspeaker Bitcoin (BTC) Hashrate Hits New High but Profitability on Decline In 2023, the Bitcoin hashrate has surged by a staggering 130% which shows growing competition and reduced profitability for… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-27 20:48:10.709253

Nr7На носу новогодние праздники, а увольнения в игровой индустрии продолжаются. Американская компания tinyBuild закрыла принадлежавшее ей инди-издательство Versus Evil, уволив всех его сотрудников. Источник изображения: Stoic Studio... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-27 18:47:57.238902

Nr6Versailles : Le château évacué pour la septième fois en huit jours « pour raisons de sécurité » SECURITE Ce haut lieu touristique est victime d'une série d'alertes à la… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-27 13:48:11.210993

Nr4The Australian Innovation Competition has unveiled its five winners, representing diverse industries and offering transformative technological solutions... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-27 12:48:01.219551

Nr3Insbesondere Unternehmen sollen dazu gebracht werden, ein Ökosystem rund um ChatGPT aufzubauen. Auch die Preise für seine Software hat OpenAI deutlich gesenkt... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-27 12:48:00.504937

Nr2Weight gain can be a big problem when you take HIV medication. Two Black gay men share their stories of how they're tilting the scales in the favor... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-27 10:47:48.679101

Nr1The year was dominated by talk of what artificial intelligence could do—and what it could do better than most humans... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-27 09:47:46.199139

Nr7Блоки питания серии PX-P обладают максимальной мощностью в каталоге DeepCool, КПД на уровне 80 Plus Platinum и массой коннекторов, включая два 12VHPWR у старшей модели, которую мы и рассмотрим в… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-27 07:48:28.121022

Nr6Autoroute A69 : Intervention des forces de l'ordre pour évacuer la ZAD des opposants CONTESTATION Le ministre chargé des Transports, Clément Beaune, avait prévenu un peu plus tôt qu'il n'y… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-27 07:48:17.589543

Nr0Field test of portland cement-free binder for concrete shows promise, says structural engineer... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-26 23:48:06.510236

Nr2A new way of looking at a misunderstood disease is revolutionizing treatments and transforming lives... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-26 23:48:07.249471

Nr3Die SPD will Gutverdiener stärker zur Kasse bitten und die Schuldenbremse lockern – und sorgt damit für neues Konfliktpotenzial in der Ampelregierung... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-26 22:47:41.588192

Nr7Как бы ни хотелось закатить глаза при виде очередного проекта со словом West в названии, а руки всё равно невольно тянутся к шляпе, верному шестизаряднику и кнопке «купить» — антураж… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-26 20:47:47.407614

Nr1A good GPS receiver can be a helpful companion on the trail, or chilling out at the campsite. We've rounded up our favorite GPS receivers for you to check out... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-26 20:47:54.367945

Nr4Charles Power, Holding Redlich's Workplace Relations & Safety Partner, discusses the intricacies of annual leave, and leave without pay, shedding light on rights and obligations in these areas... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-26 19:50:42.088077

Nr6« BFM politique » : « Nous avons le pouvoir »… L'émission avec Marion Maréchal perturbée, le plateau évacué « Il nous reste 521 jours » L'entretien avec Marion Maréchal… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-26 16:48:10.182411

Nr0The home service franchisor strengthens its franchising and industry knowledge with the addition of new board members... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-26 11:47:41.891452

Nr7Компания G.Skill наиболее известна своими модулями оперативной памяти. При этом у производителя обширный модельный ряд и других устройств, включая кулеры для процессоров, блоки питания, корпуса для ПК и, конечно же,… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-26 10:47:47.711749

Nr2A new way of looking at a misunderstood disease is revolutionizing treatments and transforming lives... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-26 10:47:48.776882

Nr3Die Verhandlungen über die Migrationspolitik zwischen Bund und Ländern sind schwierig. Immerhin gibt es eine Einigung beim „Deutschland-Tempo". Vieles soll künftig schneller werden... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-26 08:47:49.667091

Nr6Cartes bancaires : Carrefour, Macdo… Une panne nationale affecte de nombreuses enseignes BUG GEANT De nombreux internautes se sont plaints de n'avoir pu utiliser leur carte bancaire Une panne nationale… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-26 06:48:00.231714

Nr1Gadget makers, unsurprisingly, are hesitant to compete purely on device quality... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-26 03:48:15.930722

Nr4We sat down with Sarah Spence, the founder of Content Rebels and Australia's newly acclaimed top marketer, as she shared insights into her entrepreneurial journey... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-26 01:47:53.698645

Nr0AI tools will enable founders to own more of their companies rather than give away too much equity to VCs, said the billionaire investor... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-26 00:47:45.139020

Nr7Американская аэрокосмическая компания Blue Origin Джеффа Безоса (Jeff Bezos) и фонд прямых инвестиций Cerberus заинтересовались покупкой у Boeing Co. и Lockheed Martin разработчика ракет-носителей United Launch Alliance (ULA). Об этом… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-25 21:48:15.912537

Nr6J.K. Rowling ira en prison « avec plaisir » plutôt que de genrer correctement les personnes trans EN ROUE LIBRE Depuis 2019, l'autrice tient des propos de plus en plus… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-25 21:48:07.517350

Nr3Viele Frauen bewerben ihre Erfolge nicht gut genug, meinen Laura Bornmann und Lea Haep. Das schadet auch den Unternehmen. Doch es gibt Möglichkeiten, von denen alle profitieren... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-25 21:48:06.867609

Nr2The power cord can become damaged near the cord bushing, which can lead to overheating of the cord, posing fire and burn hazards. In addition, cord damage near the bushing… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-25 16:48:16.586732

Nr1Meta's Yann LeCun thinks our fears of an AI uprising are misguided and that we should be excited about the possibility of super-smart assistants... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-25 13:48:25.776124

Nr7Как и было обещано, 21 декабря в сервисе цифровой дистрибуции Steam стартовала традиционно масштабная зимняя распродажа. Одновременно с акцией началось голосование за финалистов ежегодной премии Steam. Источник изображения: Steam (AndzenKun... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-25 10:48:10.269483

Nr6Robert De Niro admet que Tiffany Chen, sa compagne, fait tout le boulot avec leur bébé CHARGE MENTALE Mais le jeune papa de 80 ans jure de faire ce qu'il… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-25 10:48:01.077751

Nr4A few simple changes to your operations and some help from the right tech can transform your last-mile delivery process, according to vWork... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-25 10:47:51.560485

Nr0Speculation about the death of the 60-40 portfolio has been greatly exaggerated... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-25 08:48:11.084064

Nr3Investoren und Gesellschafter wollen den Selfmade-Milliardär zum Rückzug drängen. Doch der bewegt sich bislang nicht. Nun droht Benko auch noch Ärger mit Anleihe-Investoren... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-25 08:48:10.423159

Nr2Some Griffin Duo Bunk Beds failed to be properly assembled by Room & Board with set screws installed into the side rail brackets at the time of delivery. Brackets lacking… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-25 02:48:02.800626

Nr7Новое исследование аналитической компании Omdia сигнализирует о серьёзном спаде на потребительском рынке виртуальной реальности. Продажи VR-гарнитур по итогам 2023 года упадут на 24 %, и достигнут 7,7 млн единиц, тогда… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-25 02:47:53.527531

Nr1For decades, director Michael Mann has pushed boundaries, sought perfection, and built a devoted following—just like Enzo Ferrari himself... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-24 23:47:54.683860

Nr6« Chez Jordan De Luxe » : Le DJ Philippe Corti sort son pénis et mixe sur une platine WHAT L'ancien ambianceur de l'émission « Intervilles » a effectué un… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-24 19:48:44.801074

Nr3Nach langem Hin und Her hat der Verkauf des milliardenschweren Festnetzes der Telecom Italia nun geklappt. Unter bestimmten Bedingungen könnte der Preis dafür noch weiter steigen... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-24 19:48:44.103356

Nr2MedPage Today) -- Patients with locally advanced or metastatic bladder cancer have a permanent new first-line standard of care after the FDA granted full approval to the combination of enfortumab… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-24 19:48:34.246986

Nr0The post 11/1 Fed meeting bull rally has been very impressive. The S&P 500 (SPY) is knocking on the door of the all time highs. However, small caps are still... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-24 17:48:01.309280

Nr4Here's a recap of recent funding developments from Australia, India, the US and beyond... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-24 15:47:53.278428

Nr7Российская студия Owlcat Games, известная по Pathfinder: Kingmaker, Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous и недавней Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader в соцсети «ВКонтакте» опубликовала список лучших игр 2023 года по мнению… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-24 11:49:10.420876

Nr6France – Afrique du Sud : Les cinq erreurs arbitrales repérées par World Rugby lors du quart de finale Rugby Le XV de France a critiqué l'arbitre Ben O'Keefe, après… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-24 11:49:01.035717

Nr1The details come from prolific tipster @momomo_us, who claims that the prices were revealed when some of the upcoming Ryzen 8000G SKUs were listed by three US retailers. Do note… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-24 06:49:21.591798

Nr3Würzmischungen von Avo finden sich in Produkten von McDonald's bis Apetito. Die 29-jährige Beirätin Anna Breun hat das Familienunternehmen durch zuletzt turbulente Zeiten geführt... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-24 06:49:20.923945

Nr2 succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-24 04:48:27.042940

Nr7Компания G.Skill наиболее известна своими модулями оперативной памяти. При этом у производителя обширный модельный ряд и других устройств, включая кулеры для процессоров, блоки питания, корпуса для ПК и, конечно же,… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-24 04:48:16.882085

Nr0I love this vacuum," one shopper wrote. "It's so darn quiet it amazes me."... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-24 00:47:39.942151

Nr6Les Bleus ramènent la coupe à la maison et deviennent champions du monde de pâtisserie ELLE EST POUR NOUS L'équipe de France a été sacrée le week-end dernier à Milan,… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-23 23:50:51.379742

Nr4Research reveals half of sole traders have not yet filed their tax return as October 31 deadline looms... succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!

[Current Data] Rule running report - 2023-12-23 20:49:45.711137

Nr1Following competition objections raised on Google in Germany this summer over bundling of services including Google Maps via its Android-based in-car infotainment system software, known as Google Automotive Services (GAS),… succesfully run! 0 Anläufe!